Hello everyone and welcome to Beta 1!
As the name says, this time we’ve completely revamped most of Founders’ Fortune’s graphics! Check out the update mini trailer:
Here are a couple more screenshots for your viewing pleasure:

Other Features in Beta 1
Besides giving you basically a full remastered edition of the game, we spent some extra time to include additional content as well:
- Ghost Quest with 3 different outcomes
- Can use closets to change appearance
- Black skin color
- Corpses turn into skeletons after some time
- New shipbuilding technology and shipyard to start your NewGame+
- World creation settings that allow you to change your play style
- Animal zone helps keeping animals in their pens

The Future
As announced in our last post, the next update will be release 1.0. We have reached most of the goals we have set out to do, even surpassed them in some areas and were able to work a lot longer on Founders’ Fortune than we could ever imagine. Today, we will not make any promises for additional content beyond version 1.0. In the end, it depends on how much players like the game after early access and we’ll make a decision when the time is right.
Thanks a lot to all of you, it wouldn’t have been possible without you.
If you experience any issues with Beta 1, let us know in the forums or on Discord. Happy playing!